Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Learning Linux Desktop for Beginner Part 2

Hi, it is part 2 from Learning Linux Desktop for Beginner serials. Now we will go ahead into something different.

2. Try
After reading, you should do trying. Obtain a copy of Ubuntu[1] and install it in your computer. So the steps are:

  1. Instal Ubuntu
  2. Use it for daily usage
  3. Find a problem, or more
  4. Solve it
You can get Ubuntu in your computer by getting the ISO file, then burn it to CD, then boot your computer using it. You can find how to install Ubuntu through Google. Further, I will make this part 2 longer by explaining it, insya Allah

to be continued...

[1] I say Ubuntu because it is the easier for me to learn Linux desktop, and I am sure you will too. You can obtain the ISO here: I've choosen the easiest way for you :) But if you prefer another Linux distro, it is your rights :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Learning Linux Desktop for Beginner Part 1

Hello, Beginner! This is a serial article in Linux Desktop Learning. I wanna fill up this blog with something like serial I have created in past, titled Belajar Komputer untuk Orang Awam (Indonesian: Learning Computer for Newbie). It is easy for me and for you :) Yes, as you can guess, this serial will show you how to learn Linux Desktop from zero. This serial comes from my own knowledge and experiences. So, you can say this serial is from beginner to beginner. I will fill this serial up with points in every post. It is easier for learning than paragraphs, at least for me. And I promise here my serial will contains screenshots, I'll try to give as much as I can. We can start now.

1. Read
The ultimate way for entering Linux learning is reading. No one you can do without it. So, start with any Linux books. Take and read. You can choose first, magazine. Why? It is colorful, has many pictures, so you will never be bored with. Second, you can choose book. If you have reading hobby, it is not a problem. But if not, you should try to read. Give it a try, you will find it useful. My suggestion in this:

  1. Ubuntu Full Circle Magazine
  2. Linux Journal
  3. InfoLINUX (Indonesian)
  4. PCLinuxOS Magazine

Further informations can you see here: And as addition, you can: 
  1. read anything what you get
  2. get help from any application menu
  3. get manual inside your application or see online and read it
  4. Google >> linux tutorial filetype:pdf

to be continued...

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Linux Mint 13 Maya Screenshot Gallery

Now I have a new blog, a new baby :) It seems I don't need to be confused in filling it up with what. It is enough with anything about Linux/Windows I had have before. Some days ago, I've taken many screenshots of Linux Mint 13 Maya. Until now, the pictures is still waiting to be posted :D Maybe now is the right time to show out. I hope this post useful for anyone who searching for Linux Mint or specifically Cinnamon Desktop screenshot collection. Enjoy!

Default desktop of Mint 13

Win+S key, our Expo in Mint 13

Menu, it is similiar :)

Cinnamon Settings, just like KDE Settings

Hot Corner

Panel Settings, it seems missing in GNOME 3

Change themes easily

This Blog Created for Adsense

Hello World! Before, I have a blog in Indonesian and Google has denied for giving Adsense. It done so many times with same denial message in my inbox. I don't know why, even Adsense Forum Indonesia don't know what is the problem. I've asked there. So, I create my new blog purely in English to get Adsense again. I don't wanna give up :)

The main topic of this blog are Linux and Windows. To be more specific, I added desktop. Why? I am Windows user for some years and enjoyed with it. Then now I am a Linux user. I have some applications knowledge and some other stuff related with software (no hardware, please). And from this, you'll know that I am software enthusiast :) Another important thing is I am neutralist in technology. I use what I need as long as they are legal. This means I guarantee that no piracy content in this blog including crack or black serial number. So, I will start my debut here. I hope I can get my first money from Adsense. Thank you...